On opening 165KRX3 packaging, you have 2 left parts. Nothing but normal !
Choose one piece, unscrew all screws, turn it up and down, then replace all screws and you get the correct piece.
选取任一拆除部份,拧开螺丝并移出包装材料 。
165 KRX3
The 165 KRX3 is a high level kit. which requires a very good amplifier to prove its quality. When you use a 165 KRX3 with the solid 4. Don't bridge it. You can just use the 165 KRX3 with the switch woofer on position N° 3 and the switch midrange on position N°1. If you want to choose other positions, solid 4 may put on in protecting system. The solid 2 is not sufficiently for 165 KRX3.
165 KRX3是高电平套装喇叭,必须搭配高质素的功放来使用。如搭配solid 4,不用桥接,把低音单元和中音单元分别调到N° 3以及N°1处。假如选择其它位置,solid 4会进入保护模式。solid 2不足以支持165 KRX3。